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    Frequently Asked Questions About Hydrogen Water?

    Frequently Asked Questions About Hydrogen Water?

    Top most asked questions about hydrogen water

    You might be wondering, “why is there all this talk about hydrogen water?” Perhaps you heard someone talk about it or seen a bottle bubble at a table next to you at your favorite cafe and then see Instagram or Facebook pop up an ad for a Hydrogen Rich Water Bottle and then think, “What is this?”

    Welcome to the party and future of health in a bottle!

    Let’s answer some of the most asked questions and help clear up any confusion you might have regarding hydrogen water, its benefits, and hydrogen water bottles, themselves.

    What is hydrogen water?
    Hydrogen water or hydrogen rich water is water (H2O) that contains dissolved hydrogen gas (H2) (also known as molecular hydrogen). Just like soda water has CO2 dissolved in water you can have H2 dissolved in water.

    Doesn’t water already have hydrogen in it, H2O?

    Yes, that is correct. However, H2O and H2 are different molecules. You can take H2 (hydrogen gas) and dissolve it into water and have the H2 still maintain its molecular structure separate from a water molecular structure.

    Isn’t hydrogen gas explosive?

    Yes, hydrogen gas is very explosive when it’s in a concentration level above 4.6%, which is not a concern when dealing with hydrogen rich water. When hydrogen gas is dissolved it is not explosive. There is zero risk associated.

    Why can’t we get the H2 from H20?

    We can’t pull the molecular structure apart in our bodies like that. Just like we can’t get oxygen (O2) from water (H2O), the same goes for molecular hydrogen (H2) from water. 


    Why is hydrogen water recommended?

    Hydrogen is a very powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress which has been linked to most diseases and premature aging. Because hydrogen is the smallest molecule known in the universe it can quickly penetrate every cell and reach places like neurons, mitochondria and cell nuclei. This bioavailability is powerful as most antioxidants can’t gain access to most places that hydrogen can!

    What does selective antioxidant mean?
    Selective antioxidant means it searches out and binds ONLY to hydroxyl radicals (O) which are dangerous to our health, the culprits of oxidative stress. The by-product of this reaction is pure H2O, which will be used by the cell, discarded and flushed out and if there is an excess of H2 in the body it will not accumulate it will be released from the body free from any damage.

    How do you get hydrogen into your water?
    Using a hydrogen generator, such as a water bottle, that uses a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) & Solid Polymer Electrolysis (SPE). Through the process the chamber will split the H2O molecule into H2 and O. The PEM will make sure the H2 enters the water and the O molecule is discarded or off-gassed via a 1-way port/hole in the generator.

    This PEM technology is not present in all generators and is important to ensure 100% pure and safe hydrogen rich water. It keeps ozone and residual chlorine out of the water.


    What is the difference between hydrogen and alkaline water?
    Great questions. When we talk about hydrogen water we are referring to hydrogen gas dissolved in water. It is not the same as acidic or alkaline. When you talk about acidic or alkaline you are referring to (+) or (-) charged hydrogen ions, which again is different from H2 molecules. And (+) / (-) hydrogen ions are not the selective antioxidant that H2 is.

    What are the benefits of hydrogen water?
    There are 40+ documented known & potential benefits from drinking or inhaling hydrogen gas. From increased energy, reduced inflammation, reduced jet lag, slowing aging, reducing the effects of allergies, skin irritations, and also addressing chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological, and much more. In 2007 studies showed amazing results with patients suffering from Parkinson’s.

    Is hydrogen water safe for kids and pregnant women?
    Yes, there are no known contraindications. The research points to a high safety profile for all ages and even animals. If you do have a condition, it is always advised to speak to your doctor as positive side effects can occur. 

    When will you start to notice the effect of hydrogen water?
    You will begin to notice the effects almost right away! You’ll notice more energy and alertness, better hydration, better digestion. As you consume more and over time as oxidative stress is reduced in the body you’ll begin to notice those bigger health benefits such as skin clearing up, inflammation decreasing and more. Since oxidative stress is one of, if not the one, root cause of so many diseases and illnesses, when we reduce this stress on the body it brings hope to an overall reduction of these illnesses physically expressing themselves in the body.

    How much hydrogen water should I drink each day?
    From a water perspective it is recommended to drink 2-3 Liters of water daily.
    With hydrogen water, research shows that a mid range therapeutic dose is anywhere from 3-5 mg/L and a high dose range of 5-7 mg/L.

    Not all hydrogen water machines are created the same and depending on the materials will differ in concentration levels. You can learn more about concentration levels here and how that determines how many times you drink from a hydrogen bottle here.

    For example: If you wanted a mid-range therapeutic dose one option you could take is the HdyroV™ bottle and throughout the day consume 4-5 bottles of water which works out to be about 1.5L of water, saving room for other sources of water. 


    What do I need to know about hydrogen water bottles?
    There are a few key factors when you are searching for a hydrogen water bottle.

    • Understanding the difference between glass and plastic bottles.
    • Which plastics are better and how to tell if your bottle is the right kind of plastic. 
    • Make sure it has PEM, and at least 3000 ppb for 12oz 
    • The quality of the overall bottle. 


    You want to make sure when you are spending over $100 for a bottle it is well made and safe to drink from! Most high quality bottles will start at $140-160 going as high as $700 or more.

    In our research for a bottle we have seen some bottles priced at $240, that made us shake our heads at the overall quality of the bottle.

    We hope this article helped answer some of your burning questions about hydrogen water, what the hype is all about and if it could be the right healthy habit switch up you’ve been asking for! 

    Since you already drink water, a quick switch of bottles and a press of a button later could have you increasing those antioxidants and help protect your body every day without you even thinking about it!


    For more information check out more articles and resources here:

    Hydrogen Bottle Checklist

    Glass vs Plastic

    As an antioxidant


    Coming Soon - Best bottles on the market

    // Hydrogen Water

    HydroV™ Bottle

    Optimize, Energize and Protect, Turn your water into a powerful antioxidant giving your body a boost in energy, immunity, and cognitive function.

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